Six Natural ways to Headache Relief

Today I will discuss the "Six Natural ways to Headache Relief".

Stay with Nature and Stay Safe.

Headaches can be debilitating at worst and a nagging inconvenience at best. They can affect work and school productivity, and a bad headache can simply put you out of commission, no matter what your vocation. Taking medications can help relieve pain, but some of these pain relievers have side effects (such as stomach pain) and, if taken over too long a period, pain relievers can cause a rebound effect (in the form of another headache) when you stop taking them.


Some of the common causes of headaches are muscle tension, dilation, and constriction of the blood vessels in the brain, food sensitivities, and hormone fluctuations. Once you've seen your health care practitioner and have ruled out anything serious, there are some natural approaches to headache relief that you can try.


1. Cramp Bark (Vibernum opulus)


As the name of the herb suggests, Cramp bark helps alleviate muscle tension and cramps. Viburnum prunifolium is also sold as "Cramp bark," but it is generally used to relieve uterine cramping. Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) is touted as a prevention and treatment for muscle tension headaches. It is generally taken in capsule form, but a tea made from the bark can also be taken.


2. Massage


The relaxing effect of the massage can help ease muscle tension and increase circulation, both of which might help a headache.

There are two types of massage methods that you can try yourself in your own home or ask someone else to do them, or you can go to a professional for headache relief and prevention.

   #Deep Tissue Massage.

              Because you are using firm pressure accompanied with slow strokes to massage deeper muscle layers, deep-tissue massage can relax strained muscles that may be the root cause of headache pain. Here, think deep, gliding motions using the knuckles or thumbs. Research also suggests applying a deep and progressive gliding movement to the head using the fingertips released suboccipital muscle spasms, which can contribute to headache pain.

    #Trigger Point Massage.

               Like deep-tissue massage, trigger point relaxes strained muscles by using direct pressure. wherever the primary block is. Sometimes, the migraine could occur in the upper region of the head, such as around the eyes or at the temple, so it found applying pressure for a very brief second throughout the massage to the head and neck region to be very beneficial.


3. Chiropractic


Muscle tension can cause bone and joint misalignment, say chiropractic practitioners, and then the misalignment exacerbates the muscle tension as muscles work to pull the bones back into alignment. Getting an adjustment at a chiropractor can bring almost instant headache relief, and seeing the chiropractor regularly (say once a month) can help stave off future headaches.


4. Feverfew


This daisy-like little flower is considered by some herbalists to be a very effective remedy for headaches, particularly migraines. While there are many ways to take it, capsules are probably the easiest and have the fewest side effects. You can take feverfew regularly to prevent migraine attacks.


5. Lemon Tea


Lemon Tea is a refreshing tea where lemon juice is added in black or green tea.

It soothes the throat, prevents cough and congestion, and also helps in Headache Relief.

Here is how to make it.

To make this easy and quick tea, black tea is boiled in the water for a few minutes and then strained in a cup.

Add lemon juice, honey, and give it a mix. Your tea is ready!


6. Stress Management


It's generally understood that stress and headaches are interconnected. Engaging in regular stress relief may help prevent the onset of headaches. Stretching, meditation, Yoga, Pilates, and other methods can help align the body and reduce stress.


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